Saturday, February 21, 2009

Games and Zombies.

If you like video games like I like video games, then you should buy Left 4 Dead. It is one of the better shooter type games I have played, largely because if you play mulitplayer you have to work as a team. This, in theory, keeps jerks that just like to teamkill and run around like idiots to a minimum. Besides all that, I like shooting zombies.

On the topic of Zombies, I must point out that these zombies lean heavily towards the "28 Days Later" style of Zombie in that they are quite fast. Also, Zombies can effectively be put down by repeated shots to the body. In reality, we all know that Zombies can only be re-killed by head shots, but games are an escape from reality.

The graphics are pretty good, the environment is fairly interactive, and the shooting aspect of the game is easy enough to be enjoyable. I don't want super easy shooting, but I don't want it to be incredibly difficult either. L4D seems to have a pretty good balance.

Buy it, play it, enjoy.


Toby said...

I must say, Tim, I am disappointed that you posted a picture from the greatest RomZomCom of all time and you didn't even mention it in your post...

Timbo said...

Dude, if someone doesn't recognize where that picture came from, it's too late for them.

That movie is in my top 5 favorite of all time, by the way.

katdish said...

"In reality, we all know that Zombies can only be re-killed by head shots, but games are an escape from reality."

You're such a dork, Timbo. (And I mean that in a good way.)